How ADHD affects me at: Home.

Having ADHD is like having 15 computer tabs open at once. My brain isn’t particularly focused on any one tab, but I am constantly labouring through shutting them all down. At its worst, my focus and thoughts are fragmented with incessant mind chatter, which can make dealing with ordinary, everyday things difficult. If new tabs are added when I’m not dealing... Continue Reading →

How ADHD affects me at: work.

For most of my teen years and into my twenties, I floated in and out of hospitality work: pulling pints, waiting tables, grafting long hours in the kitchen. You name it; I’ve probably done it.   The conversation of ADHD never came up as I was able to cope in this type of environment. I thrive in... Continue Reading →

How ADHD affected me at: School

“There is nothing wrong with his hearing” was the general conclusion to the Audiologist appointment my parents took me to when I was younger. They couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t processing and understanding information in the same way other kids do, so they assumed I couldn’t hear.   I could hear and understand perfectly... Continue Reading →

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